
Easter with chocolate

Cottage cheese for Easter should be very fresh and large-layered. It needs to be carefully Gently rub through a sieve, grind with sugar, and then with butter and eggs. Then liquid components are introduced into Easter nents and, last but not least, f

Chocolate brownies with kumquats

Today, cakes are very easy to prepare. Cream can be replaced with your favorite, it will be delicious. I made it with white ganache.

Homemade chicken sausage with gelatin

Homemade chicken sausage with gelatin is a great alternative to the “store-bought” one, if only because adding artificial flavors, dyes and any preservatives to the composition is unlikely to come to anyone’s mind. And in this case, the quality of ra

Opera cake with green tea

Here is a New Year's version of the popular French Opera cake. Instead of dark chocolate, we used white chocolate, and the cream was tinted with matcha tea.

Chocolate brownie with cherries

Chocolate brownie with cherries is a delicious dessert that will delight the true sweet tooth. The classic version of this confectionery miracle was born at the end of the 19th century in America, thanks to ... a woman's whim. The fact is that in

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