Coconut milk, Easter baking, Easter cakes

Coconut cake, lactose free


Servings 10
  • flour - 600 g
  • dry yeast - 10 g (1 sachet)
  • melted butter - 100 g (can be replaced with coconut oil or cocoa butter)
  • coconut milk - 350 ml
  • sugar - 150 g + 1 tbsp. l. for dough
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • coconut flakes - 100 g
  • dried cherries - 100 g
  • sol - 1 h. l.
  • powdered sugar - 250 g
  • 1 protein (for frosting)
  • 1 lime for glaze (you will need the zest of 1 lime and the juice of half a lime)


Step 1

Prepare a dough: mix 100 g flour, yeast, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 150 ml coconut milk. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour. Remove all food from the refrigerator.

Step 2

Melt melted butter.

Step 3

To remaining flour add salt, sugar, risen dough, eggs, remaining coconut milk and melted ghee. Knead a homogeneous soft dough with a mixer (5-7 minutes), add coconut flakes (leave a little for decoration) and cherries, knead again. Leave to rise for 1.5 hours.

Step 4

After 1.5 hours, the dough will rise, you need to knead again and leave for another 1.5 hours. Then repeat the procedure again. The dough should rise 3 times in total. Put the dough into the mold (fill no more than 2/3, a little less is better). Leave for another 30 min. to fit.

Step 5

Cover the top of the molds with parchment. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put a mold filled with water on the bottom of the oven. Bake for 40-50 minutes until the skewer comes out dry.

Step 6

When the Easter cakes have cooled, decorate with protein glaze (powder plus protein plus a little lime juice) and coconut flakes.
