Easter cake "Bright memories" with candied oranges

Cooking time: 50 h
Servings: 8


This recipe is the quintessence of childhood memories of products, memories of my great-grandmother's Easter recipes, my modern skills and knowledge about cooking, love for Italian cuisine and Panettone in particular. My great-grandmother traditionally baked Easter cakes for Easter. They were lush, golden with golden splashes of light raisins, so for me the cake must be with such raisins. I remember how my dad told me with delight how in his school years he tried homemade candied oranges from a friend. And then, as a child, it seemed to me that this was such an unknown word, and even more so, it was completely difficult to imagine how to cook them. But years have passed, and I know how to cook candied fruits! And I also know that there is not one type of meringue, but several, and I even mastered the technology of their preparation.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Easter cake "Bright memories" with candied oranges

Mix flour, sugar, yeast, salt, zest, vanilla. Make a well in the center and pour warm milk (not boiling) mixed with egg and yolks into it. Knead the dough.

Step 2

Easter cake "Bright memories" with candied oranges

Add butter to the dough in small portions, kneading thoroughly. Leave to rise for 4-5 hours, until doubled in size. After that, add raisins and candied fruits to the dough that has come up. Knead again. Put in one or more forms, filling them with dough for 2/3. Leave the dough to rise for another 2 hours.

Step 3

Brush top with egg white before baking. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake for 50 minutes.

Step 4

Let cool completely and garnish with Swiss meringue, candied fruits, pistachios, chocolate buttons, dried jasmine flowers. For the Swiss meringue, you need to heat the proteins and powdered sugar in a water bath to 55 degrees. Then beat.


flour - 450 g
milk - 150 ml
sol - 1 h. l.
sugar - 100 g
dry yeast - 14 g
zest of one lemon
peel of one orange
egg - 1 pc.
yolk - 4 pcs.
vanilla - 1 pc.
homemade candied oranges - 100 g
raisins - 100 g
butter - 175 g
protein - 1 pc.
protein - 2 pcs.
powdered sugar - 125 g
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