Cake in lemon glaze

Cooking time: 2 h


This cake in lemon glaze strikes the imagination with its original taste and rich aroma. And it's not just about decoration! The dough contains freshly grated orange, lemon and lime zest, as well as candied orange, which give the cake a bright citrus note. In all other respects, baking is close to traditional: all the same rich yeast dough that requires a thorough proofing, which in no case should be neglected. If you do everything right, that is, in accordance with the instructions of our recipe, an Easter cake in lemon glaze will appear on your Easter table, deserving sincere delight and numerous compliments.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Cake in lemon glaze

Prepare the dough for the cake. In warm (36-40 ° C) milk, dilute the yeast with 50 g of sugar and 150 g of flour. Cover the dish with a towel and place in a warm, draft-free place for 35-40 minutes.

Step 2

Cake in lemon glaze

Beat the eggs with a mixer with the remaining sugar and salt until a fluffy mass of a homogeneous consistency. Add soft (not melted) butter and mix everything thoroughly.

Step 3

Cake in lemon glaze

Combine the dough, egg mixture, cognac and sifted flour in a large deep bowl. Knead the dough very carefully so that its consistency is uniform.

Step 4

Cake in lemon glaze

Chop candied fruits. Then, together with the citrus zest, add the Easter cake to the dough. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave to proof in a warm place for at least 1 hour.

Step 5

Cake in lemon glaze

Punch down the dough. Arrange in forms, filling no more than half the volume. Prove again until the dough fills the entire mold, 1.5–2 hours.

Step 6

Cake in lemon glaze

Bake at 160-170°C for 50-60 minutes. If the top of the cakes starts to brown too much, cover with foil or a damp sheet of baking parchment. Let the cookies cool slightly and decorate with icing.

Step 7

To prepare the glaze, dilute the sifted icing sugar with lemon juice - pour in a little, controlling the consistency of the mass: it should not become too liquid. Stir and use immediately. A good frosting should be glossy and crispy when set.


10 eggs
100 g raisins
150 g candied oranges
50 g fresh yeast
1 kg flour
400 g sugar
10 g vanilla sugar
500 ml milk
50 ml cognac
400 g butter
1 st. l. orange, lemon and lime zest
240 g sifted powdered sugar
45–50 ml freshly squeezed and strained lemon juice
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