Cherry jam with apricot kernels

Cooking time: 2 h 30 min
Calories: 137 kcal


The cherries that appeared in abundance on our shelves want to be eaten fresh first of all. But do not forget about stocks for the winter. Sweet cherries are perfectly preserved: the jam from it is simply amazing!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Ripe cherries are carefully sorted out, washed. Remove stalks. Using a special tool, remove the bones. If you do not have such a tool, use a regular hairpin to remove the bones.

Step 2

Pour boiling water over the apricot kernels and leave for 2 minutes, then put them in a colander and remove the skin from them.

Step 3

Insert peeled kernels into cherries instead of seeds.

Step 4

Pour the prepared cherries with sugar and leave overnight.

Step 5

The next day, pour the juice released from the sweet cherry into a saucepan, put on a slow fire and cook until the syrup becomes thick. Pour hot syrup over the cherries, put on fire and bring to a boil; remove foam with a slotted spoon. Remove from heat, cover with a clean towel and let the jam cool. Once again, put the jam on the fire, add the rum and bring to a boil. Remove from fire. Pour hot jam into clean sterilized jars.

Step 6

Tip: If the cherries did not give enough juice overnight, boil the usual sugar syrup and add it to the juice. If there are extra apricot kernels left, add them to the syrup and cook along with the cherries.


1 kg red cherry
0.5 tsp vanilla sugar
1 Art. l. roma
200 g apricot kernels
250 g sugar
for 1 liter of jam:
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