Chocolate bar with dried cherries, nuts and sesame seeds

Cooking time: 10 min
Servings: 1


When working with chocolate, remember that even a small drop of water can ruin everything. Be careful: dry the dishes in which you will melt the chocolate and all the tools. Filler (dried nuts, candied fruit) choose at your discretion: such chocolate is a blank canvas on which you can create your masterpieces.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Prepare a water bath. It is very convenient to put a colander on the pan - then you don’t have to worry that the chocolate will burn or water will accidentally get into it.

Step 2

Brown the nuts a little in the oven.

Step 3

Finely chop the chocolate. About 60 g (1/3 of all chocolate) set aside. Place the rest of the chocolate in a bowl that can be placed in a water bath.

Step 4

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous consistency. Then remove it from the bath and add 60 g of reserved chocolate. Stir vigorously until completely dissolved.

Step 5

Spread the chocolate evenly over the mold (if there is no mold, you can make coins by laying the chocolate on parchment). And very quickly decorate the surface with nuts, cherries and sesame seeds.

Step 6

If possible, put the chocolate to harden on the balcony or in the pantry, as the ideal setting temperature is 10-12 degrees. If you do not find such a place - do not worry, put it in the refrigerator. After hardening, store in the refrigerator.

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