Chicken, Cutlets, Russian kitchen, Breading, Olga Syutkina, Torzhok

Fire cutlets from Olga Syutkina

The recipe for fire cutlets was invented at the beginning of the 19th century by Evdokim Pozharsky , the owner of a tavern in the city of Torzhok. Initially cutlets were prepared from minced veal. And only in the 1830s, after the death of the innkeeper, his daughter Daria began to cook them from chicken. The original recipe has not survived. It was only in 1853 that the Russian grocery store Ignatius Radetsky included in his book " natural chicken fire cutlets ". Later, the dish was repeatedly refined. And at the end of the 19th century, Pelageya Alexandrova-Ignatieva added white bread in cream there. Olga Syutkina, a historian of Russian cuisine , offers her own version of Pozharsky cutlets, based on historical experience and modern tastes.


Servings 10 pieces
  • 800 g minced chicken meat
  • 200 g white stale bread without crust
  • 200 ml chilled cream 20% fat
  • 150 g frozen butter
  • half a classic frozen wheat loaf for breading
  • ghee for frying
  • salt


Step 1

Soak bread in cream. Press lightly. Scroll chicken meat twice through a meat grinder. The first time without bread, the second time with bread.

Step 2

Salt minced meat. Grate the frozen butter in several batches, stirring with a fork each time. Place mince in refrigerator for 1 hour.

Step 3

Grate the frozen loaf on a coarse grater and brown the crumbs in the oven at 160 ° C.

Step 4

With wet hands form patties into oval shapes and coat them in the prepared breading.

Step 5

Heat the melted butter in a frying pan and fry the cutlets for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Step 6

Transfer to a baking dish and bake in the oven at 160°C for 15-20 minutes. Serve hot.
