Honey, Yogurt, Mango, Lime, Mint, Desserts

Easy Mango Dessert

Summer light refreshing dessert made from frozen mango, yogurt and honey.


Servings 4
  • ripe mango 2 pcs.
  • liquid honey 2 tbsp.
  • mint 1/2 bunch(s)
  • natural low-fat yogurt 250 g
  • lime 1 pc.
  • grated chocolate 1 tbsp


Step 1

Cut the mango pulp into cubes and freeze for 2 hours. Place the knife attachment in the food processor and add the frozen mango pieces, yogurt, honey, mint leaves and lime juice. Grind until smooth.

Step 2

Arrange the dessert in bowls, sprinkle with grated chocolate. Enjoy your meal!
