Almond cream

Cooking time: 4 h
Servings: 2
Calories: 485.7 kcal
Fats: 24.7
Proteins: 11
Carbohydrates: 53.8


Our American friends would no doubt call this a pudding. Only instead of agar-agar they would put starch. We think this almond cream (with lean seaweed agar instead of quick animal bone gelatin) is the perfect light and delicious dessert. Do you want to call it pudding? Yes please!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Pour boiling water over the almonds, bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside for 5 minutes. Then peel the almonds from the skin, squeezing each nucleolus between the thumb and forefinger - the almonds should literally pop out of the skin. If this does not happen, hold the almonds in boiling water longer.

Step 2

Pat the almonds dry with paper towels and grind in a blender or food processor to fine crumbs. Without turning off the motor, pour in hot bottled water, beat for 2-3 minutes.

Step 3

Cover the sieve with gauze (double layer), place on a saucepan and pour the contents of the blender into the sieve. Allow the water to drain completely by squeezing hard with a pestle or spoon (no squeeze needed).

Step 4

Add honey, vanilla sugar, salt and agar-agar to the almond milk strained in a saucepan. Put on a small fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

Step 5

Remove from heat, pour in the almond extract, mix, pour into molds. Immediately put a piece of film on the cream in each mold, pressing it to the surface. This is necessary so that the top of the cream does not dry out.

Step 6

Refrigerate until set, 2-4 hours. Serve cold with seasonal fruit or berries.


100 g raw almonds
3–4 tbsp. l. flower honey
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 Art. l. agar-agar
a few drops of almond extract
a pinch of salt
1 glass of bottled water
fresh fruits or berries to serve, in season


Almond Post Almond cream
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