Mushrooms, Champignons, Soy sauce, Thyme

Grilled mushrooms

Grilled champignons have a completely new unusual taste. Roasted crust, on the one hand, and very juicy spicy flesh. It can be just a side dish for barbecue, or it can be a great appetizer.


Servings 4
  • champignons 300 g
  • soy sauce 3 tbsp
  • chili 1 pc.
  • thyme 1 pinch
  • feta 1 tbsp.


Step 1

Rinse the mushrooms and place in a marinating container. Pour in soy sauce, add thyme, finely chopped chili pepper. Close the container with a lid and shake. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

Step 2

Put the mushrooms on the grill and fry on both sides. When the mushrooms begin to wrinkle, you can remove.

Step 3

Put the mushrooms, sprinkle with crumbled feta and herbs. Enjoy your meal!
