Custard cakes "Sea pearl"

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Custard cakes "Sea pearl"

Bring water with oil and salt to a boil. Pour the sifted flour and mix vigorously so that there are no lumps. With continuous stirring, brew the dough so that it becomes smooth and stops sticking to the walls of the pan.

Step 2

Custard cakes "Sea pearl"

Allow the dough to cool slightly and gradually beat 1 egg into it, mixing well after each egg. Put the finished dough on a baking sheet in the form of balls. Preheat the oven and put a heat-resistant bowl of water on the bottom. Place the tray in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes. at a temperature of 220 degrees. The oven must not be opened for the first 12-15 minutes so that the cakes do not settle.

Step 3

Custard cakes "Sea pearl"

Prepare the cream: in a blender, mix the cottage cheese, cream and sugar and beat until a homogeneous airy mass. Defrost strawberries.

Step 4

Custard cakes "Sea pearl"

Cut the finished cakes while still warm on top (not completely) so that the cake resembles a shell. Fill with cream and strawberries, cover with a dough lid on top. Serve immediately.


1/4 l water
60 g butter
a pinch of salt
190 g flour
4 eggs
1 st. cottage cheese
2 tbsp. l. sugar (to taste)
a few fresh or frozen strawberries
1/2 cup cream 33-35% fat for cottage cheese
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