Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits

Recipe cuisine: Russian
Cooking time: 1 h
Servings: 10-12
Calories: 485.8 kcal
Fats: 36.4
Proteins: 16.6
Carbohydrates: 22.3


Have you ever cooked Easter cottage cheese with candied fruits? If not, then it's time to master our simple recipe! Bringing it to life will not require any supernatural skills from you, and the result will definitely not disappoint. The main thing is to find good natural cottage cheese without vegetable additives: the taste of the whole dish depends to a large extent on the quality of this ingredient. As for candied fruits, it is better to use citrus fruits, which, in our opinion, perfectly complement all other ingredients and give Easter cottage cheese a fresh, especially refined aroma.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits

Prepare cottage cheese for Easter. To do this, wrap it in gauze and put it under pressure for 5-6 hours to remove excess moisture. Then pass it through a sieve twice. If the cottage cheese is poorly wiped, you can pass it through a meat grinder twice.

Step 2

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits

Pour half the cream into a small bowl, add the yolks. Heat the remaining cream in a saucepan, do not bring to a boil, then beat with a whisk. Continuing to beat, add the cream with yolks and cook over low heat, do not let it boil until the cream thickens. Remove from fire and cool.

Step 3

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits

Grind the softened butter for Easter with white sugar. Add thickened cream, butter with sugar and vanilla sugar to the grated cottage cheese. Beat with a mixer until a fluffy homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 4

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits

Rinse raisins for Easter thoroughly. If the raisins are very dry, they must be steamed in a water bath, and then dried with a linen towel or napkins. Candied fruits - lemon, orange, melon - finely chopped. Add raisins, candied fruits and vanilla sugar to the curd mass; mix thoroughly so that the additives are evenly distributed.

Step 5

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits

Line the inside of the bean bag with slightly damp gauze. This is done so that the Easter can be easily removed from the mold. Fill the form very tightly with the curd mass, cover with a saucer, put a light oppression on top and refrigerate for 10-12 hours. Remove Easter from the refrigerator, turn it over onto a plate. First remove the bead, then the gauze.


1 kg of tasty moderately dry cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%
500 ml cream with fat content from 33%
4 yolks
250 g butter
160-180 g sugar
a pinch of vanilla sugar
20-30 g raisins
50 g candied fruit
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