Fish, Mackerel, A picnic, Smoking, Smoked mackerel

Mackerel - smoked in nature

Mackerel - smoked in nature

Portion pieces will allow you and your guests to immediately start tasting fish with cold beer! Enjoy your meal!


  • fresh mackerel 2 pcs.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • water 1 l
  • salt 2 tsp.
  • a mixture of peppercorns 1 tsp
  • spice for fish 1 tsp
  • olive oil 1 tbsp


Step 1

Mackerel - smoked in nature

Gut the mackerel, cut off the head, rinse;

Step 2

Mackerel - smoked in nature

Cut mackerel into large pieces, onion into rings; Put the fish with onions in a jar;

Step 3

Mackerel - smoked in nature

Add spices, salt, peppers to boiling water - boil for 2 minutes, cool to room temperature, add oil; Pour the marinade over the mackerel completely;

Step 4

Leave in a cool place for 5 hours (I marinate in the morning so that I can have dinner in nature in the evening); Before smoking, put mackerel with onions in a heat-resistant form - and smoke in it;

Step 5

Take to nature - a small portable smokehouse! Light a fire in the grill, prepare alder chips - 3-4 handfuls (soak in water for 20 minutes); Lay the wood chips evenly on the bottom of the smokehouse, place the form with the fish on the grate; Close the lid and set on the grill, on moderate heat for 15-20 minutes; It is recommended to release the first smoke in order to avoid bitterness, then smoke with the lid closed;

Step 6

Quick, simple and - very tasty hot smoked mackerel is ready!
