Salmon, Fish sauce, Bouillabaisse, Salmon soup

Japanese bouillabaisse

Japanese bouillabaisse is not the classic French fish soup. This bouillabaisse is prepared very easily and quickly, the main thing is that all the ingredients are at hand.


Servings 1
  • daikon 35 g
  • zucchini 35 g
  • Chinese salad 75 g
  • onion 15 g
  • shiitake mushrooms 10 g
  • shimji mushrooms 7 g
  • miso broth 400 ml
  • spices Shichimi 1 g
  • cilantro 3 g
  • green onion 3 g
  • Tsuyu sauce 50 ml
  • salmon 50 g


Step 1

Pour the miso broth into a bowl. Add chopped vegetables: daikon, zucchini, Chinese lettuce, onion and mushrooms.

Step 2

Add salmon to soup.

Step 3

Season the soup with spices and tsyu sauce. Decorate with cilantro on top.
