Meat cutlets

Cooking time: 15 min
Servings: 6 servings
Calories: 473 kcal

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Cut the crust off the white bread. Break half of the loaf into several pieces and soak in milk. Set aside the other half for breading. When the bread is soaked, squeeze it out, but not very hard. Wash the meat and turn through a meat grinder along with soaked bread.

Step 2

Peel the onion and garlic and chop very finely. Wash greens, dry and finely chop. Cut the bacon into small cubes and fry in a skillet until cracklings form, about 10 minutes. Add onion, garlic and herbs and sauté for 2 minutes. Add to minced meat. Mix. * If you want the minced meat to turn out to be absolutely homogeneous, it must be turned through the meat grinder again, already together with bacon, onions, garlic and herbs.

Step 3

Add eggs, salt and pepper to minced meat. Mix thoroughly again. Form cutlets. The size and shape of cutlets can be any.

Step 4

Grind the remaining bread in a blender or grate on a fine grater. The result is the so-called white breading. When frying, it does not allow the cutlets to fall apart and at the same time does not form a hard crust. Cutlets are very tender.

Step 5

Roll each cutlet in white breading, giving them the shape you have chosen. Flat cutlets are made with a wide knife. Lay the patties on a tray or cutting board. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Roll the cutlets again in breadcrumbs and fry for 4 minutes. from each side. Reduce fire to minimum. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 10 minutes.


eggs - 2 pcs
1 loaf of white bread
garlic - 2-3 cloves
onion - 1 large onion
1 st. l. thyme greens
50 g bacon or bacon
1 Art. l. green parsley
vegetable oil - for frying
1 st. l. dill greens
500g boneless beef or ground beef
0.5 l of milk
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