Banana, Dates, Almond, Vegetarianism, Carob

Vegan eclairs

This recipe uses carob powder to make chocolate cream. Carob is the fruit of a carob tree that grows in Mediterranean countries and is very popular. For example, in Cyprus you can buy carob syrup, lollipops or bars.


Servings 2
  • banana 1 pc.
  • almonds 100 g
  • dates 8 pcs.
  • carob (carob powder) 2 tbsp
  • water 3 tbsp.
  • honey 1 tsp


Step 1

Finely grind the almonds in a blender.

Step 2

Mix with crushed dates in a mortar until a homogeneous consistency is obtained to form a sticky mass.

Step 3

For chocolate cream, you need to dilute carob with water to a glaze state.

Step 4

Add honey to the glaze, mix until smooth.

Step 5

Peel and cut the banana into pieces, depending on the shape and size of the cakes you want to cook. Cover the banana with dough and give the desired shape.

Step 6

Dip eclairs in chocolate cream.

Step 7

Serve the eclair cake immediately.
