Feel sick, Watermelon, Oil, Eggs

Watermelon in Chinese


Servings 1 portion
  • 60 g wheat flour
  • 50 g cornstarch
  • sugar - 50 g
  • 1 fresh chicken egg
  • 50 g ice crumbs
  • 10 g powdered sugar
  • 350 g fresh watermelon with peel


Step 1

Cut the pulp of watermelon into portioned pieces 2x3 cm, roll in flour. Mix flour, starch, egg, sugar, add a little water.

Step 2

Add ice to the resulting mass and mix again. Dip slices of watermelon in batter and deep-fry at a temperature of 150–170ºС.

Step 3

Place the fried pieces on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Sprinkle with powdered sugar when serving. You can drizzle with caramel sauce if you like.
