Yogurt, Saffron, Mousse, Rose petals, Flower honey, Desserts

Saffron yogurt mousse with flower honey and rose petals


Servings 3
  • 230 g Greek yogurt
  • Several stigmas of saffron
  • 5-6 century l. milk 1.5%
  • ½ tsp gelatin
  • 100 g flower honey
  • 40 g rose petals
  • 30 g almond flakes
  • vegetable oil


Step 1

For the honey-flower sauce, rinse and pat dry 30g rose petals with paper towels. Chop them in a blender, pour into a jar, pour honey. Store in a dark, dry place for 3-4 days.

Step 2

For the mousse, drain the liquid from the Greek yogurt, beat it well with a mixer.

Step 3

Grind saffron stigmas in a mortar, add to yogurt, stir and let it brew (1-2 hours).

Step 4

Heat gelatin with 1 tbsp. l. water over low heat without bringing to a boil. Heat the milk to 90°C (almost boiling). Pour the gelatin into it and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Step 5

Mix yogurt, 10 g of finely chopped rose petals and 2 tablespoons of flower honey. Add milk with gelatin to the honey-yogurt mass, stirring constantly. Whisk well until bubbles.

Step 6

Lubricate the molds with a small amount of vegetable oil, put 2-3 whole rose petals on the bottom, fill with mousse, refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

Step 7

Remove the mousse from the molds and sprinkle with toasted almond petals. Separately serve flower honey with roses.
