Peaches, Vanilla, Jam, Peach jam, Jam with spices, Peach recipes, Summer blanks, Pieces of peach, Peaches for the winter

Pitted Peach Jam

Pitted peach jam is an exquisite delicacy that will brighten up any autumn or winter evening and take you back to summer for at least half an hour, evoking its brightest moments. Preparing this dish is quite simple and easy. The pits of peaches are removed without problems, and removing the skin from the fruit is also not difficult. How exactly? Slice the peaches crosswise, put in a colander and pour over several times with boiling water. Let cool a little so as not to burn yourself, and remove the skin, which will easily separate from the pulp. Well, then - a matter of technology! We prepare pitted peach jam according to the recipe, put it in jars and wait for the opportunity to enjoy the taste!


  • 1 kg peaches
  • 500 g sugar
  • 1 large vanilla pod
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice


Step 1

Prepare peaches for jam. Wash them and select the strongest and most beautiful specimens. It is better if they are not overripe. Peel the peaches and remove the pits. Cut the pulp into medium cubes.

Step 2

Place the prepared peaches in a large bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. Cover the pan with the fruits with gauze and leave for 6 hours at room temperature.

Step 3

Place the pot of peaches in sweet juice over medium heat and bring to a boil. Pour in the lemon juice and, stirring, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove foam periodically.

Step 4

Add a halved vanilla pod to the almost ready peach jam. Cook over medium heat for another 10 minutes. The vanilla pod is then removed.

Step 5

Pour hot pitted peach jam into sterilized dry jars. Roll up lids and wrap. Leave until completely cool. Store in a cool dry place.
