Lentils, Post, Mark Statsenko, Delicious, Soup, Funny Cabany, Wild boar fans, Lentil soup, Lenten dishes

Lentil soup

Soup recipe from the restaurant's lenten menu.


Servings 1
  • Puree soup - base: 200 ml
  • chickpeas - 15 g
  • pea pods - 10 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 10 g
  • drinking water - 2 l
  • onion peeled - 200 g
  • peeled carrots - 200 g
  • celery cleansed. – 100 g
  • salt - 4 g
  • lentils black / green / red - 150 g
  • celery - 40 g
  • tomatoes - 90 g
  • ginger root - 12 g
  • clean chili pepper - 2 g
  • rosemary - 3 g
  • clean garlic. – 12 g
  • red onion - 110 g
  • vegetable oil - 30 g
  • mushroom broth - 2 l


Step 1

Soup preparation method: add vegetable broth to the finished soup and serve with roasted peppers, pea pods and chopped boiled peas.

Step 2

How to cook vegetable broth: Boil water, add all the ingredients, mix and simmer for half an hour until cooked over low heat.

Step 3

How to prepare the base for soup: fry onion, garlic, rosemary, chili pepper, ginger root, celery, tomatoes in vegetable oil until the vegetables are ready. Then add vegetable broth and lentils. And grind everything in a blender.

Step 4

How to cook chickpeas: Boil the chickpeas and rub through a sieve. It will be fluffy and powdery.

Step 5

How to prepare baked bell peppers: Peeled peppers, 2 kg. sprinkle with spices (salt - 10 gr., ground black peppercorns - 2 gr.), pour vegetable oil (50 gr.) and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked.
