Vareniki with cottage cheese and cherries

Cooking time: 1 h
Servings: 4-6
Calories: 422.2 kcal
Fats: 4.8
Proteins: 13.2
Carbohydrates: 82.6


Dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries will help you successfully sell these products if they suddenly, by chance, remain unclaimed in your refrigerator. And in general, such a dish can be called ideal in all respects: it is hearty, tasty, easy to prepare and usually everyone likes it, including picky eaters. Complement dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries with natural thick cream or, even better, with the “correct” fat market sour cream and try to completely immerse yourself in a surprisingly harmonious combination of flavors, forgetting about diets for a while. After all, if you really want to, then you definitely can!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Vareniki with cottage cheese and cherries

Prepare the dough for dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries. Sift the flour and salt through a fine sieve into a large bowl. Gradually pour warm water into the center of the slide, kneading the dough with a fork.

Step 2

Vareniki with cottage cheese and cherries

Then knead the dough for dumplings with your hands (it should be very soft). Add some more water if necessary. Roll the dough into a ball and place in a bowl. Cover with cling film and leave for 40 minutes at room temperature.

Step 3

Vareniki with cottage cheese and cherries

While the dough is resting, prepare the stuffing for the dumplings. Wash the cherries and remove the pits. Lightly beat the cottage cheese with a fork with yolk and sugar. Add cherries and stir.

Step 4

Vareniki with cottage cheese and cherries

Roll out the dough for dumplings on a table dusted with flour into a thin layer. Cut out circles with a diameter of 5 cm with a glass or a mold. Put a little stuffing in the center of each and pinch the edge with a pigtail.

Step 5

Vareniki with cottage cheese and cherries

Bring a large amount of drinking water to a boil in a wide saucepan (dumplings should float freely in it). Add salt and stir. Reduce heat to medium.

Step 6

Dip dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries in boiling water. Boil 3-4 minutes after rising to the surface. Drain the finished dumplings in a colander and let the liquid drain. Divide among plates. Can be served with sour cream.


cherry - 250 g
cottage cheese - 150 g
yolk - 1 pc.
sugar -75 g
flour - 510–530 g
salt - 1/2 h. l.
drinking water - 300 ml
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