
Recipe cuisine: Transcaucasian
Cooking time: 15 min
Servings: 6 servings
Calories: 701.5 kcal
Fats: 395.1
Proteins: 98.3
Carbohydrates: 32.8

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Soak the chickpeas in cold water for 6-8 hours. Then put them in a colander and rinse with warm water.

Step 2

Rinse the brisket, put in a saucepan, pour 4 liters of cold water. Put the pot on high heat, bring to a boil. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat, cover and cook for 1 hour. Remove the meat, strain the broth.

Step 3

Boiled meat cut into large pieces. In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat half the butter, fry the lamb pieces. Pour strained broth, add chickpeas. Bring soup to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Step 4

Peel the onion, cut into half rings. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes. Cut the apple into 6 pieces, remove the core. Cut dried apricots and prunes into large pieces.

Step 5

Heat the remaining butter in a frying pan, add the onion and fry for 3 minutes. Add tomato paste and cook for 2 more minutes. Add onion to soup.

Step 6

Put potatoes, apple, dried apricots and prunes into the soup. Salt and cook 10 minutes. Add washed chopped herbs, black pepper and salt. Pour in the pomegranate juice and cook for another 10 minutes.

GLOSSARY There are at least ten known ways of preparing this popular dish of Transcaucasian cuisine. And they differ depending on the region and time of year. For example, summer bozbash is cooked with fresh tomatoes, but peas are not added at all. Invariable components are lamb, preferably fatter, potatoes (or chestnuts), apples, dried fruits and herbs. Bozbash is acidified with pomegranate juice (you can also use lemon juice).


tomato paste
potatoes - 3 pcs.
50 g prunes
1 kg fat lamb belly
100 ml pomegranate juice
0.5 bunch cilantro
3 art. l. chickpeas (chickpeas)
5-6 black peppercorns
butter - 50 g
1 sweet apple
1-2 sprigs of basil
50 g of dried apricots
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