Hen, Bacon, Chicken breast, Chicken roll, Spinach

Stuffed chicken rolls with mustard sauce

Stuffed chicken rolls with mustard sauce is an easy dish to prepare, but very original and spectacular. Therefore, if you want to impress your guests, be sure to take note of our recipe. Please note: we do not beat the chicken fillet for rolls with a hammer, as we usually do with meat, but press it with the bottom of the pan or roll it with a rolling pin so as not to damage the delicate texture of the pulp. The sauce with granular mustard gives a special taste to the rolls - more refined than the usual spicy one.


Servings 2
  • chicken breasts (with skin)
  • 6 slices of bacon
  • 200 ml vegetable or chicken broth
  • 250 g spinach
  • 100 ml (or 4 tablespoons) sour cream
  • 60 g hard goat cheese (like Crotan de Chavignoles)
  • 1 tsp topped with whole grain mustard
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • dry white wine
  • salt


Step 1

Place the chicken breasts on a cutting board between two layers of cling film, smooth side down.

Step 2

Using a rolling pin or heavy skillet, flatten each chicken breast until it is almost twice as thin as it was. Remove and discard cling film.

Step 3

Peel off the skin of the bacon and place 3 slices on a cutting board, stretching them slightly and sliding one over the other to make a rectangle. Place chicken breast on top. Repeat with remaining bacon and chicken.

Step 4

Wash spinach, remove tough stems. Place 4 spinach leaves on each breast and press lightly to straighten them.

Step 5

Cut the goat cheese into small cubes and arrange in a row in the middle of each chicken breast. Sprinkle everything with freshly ground black pepper.

Step 6

Roll each breast into a roll, wrapping it in bacon. Spinach and cheese should be inside. Secure with cocktail sticks or skewers.

Step 7

In a large skillet, heat 1 tbsp. l. butter, put chicken breasts in bacon in it. Fry 3-4 min. over fairly high heat until the bacon is golden on the bottom, then flip and fry for another 3-4 minutes.

Step 8

Take out the chicken rolls and transfer to a saucepan. Pour the stock and wine over the chicken rolls and bring to a gentle simmer. Reduce heat to medium and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes, turning once halfway through. To prepare the sauce, pour sour cream and mustard into a saucepan with rolls and stir with the remaining liquid until the sauce is ready.

Step 9

Separately, in a large skillet, cook spinach for serving rolls. In a frying pan, heat 1 tbsp. l. oil, put the rest of the spinach in it, salt and pepper. Cover and cook over medium heat, shaking the pan occasionally, 2-3 minutes.

Step 10

Squeeze the spinach, pressing it against the side of the pan to remove excess water, then divide it between two warmed plates. Lay the rolls on top. You can serve tagliatelle or boiled potatoes as a side dish.
