Apples, Rye flour, Oat, Cupcake, Oatmeal

Oatmeal muffins

Diet muffins on rye flour with oatmeal, honey and apples.


Servings 6
  • kefir 1 cup(s)
  • rye flour 1/2 cup(s)
  • oatmeal 1 cup(s)
  • egg 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • cinnamon 1/2 tsp
  • honey 2 tbsp.
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • apple 2 pcs.


Step 1

Pour the flakes with kefir and leave to swell for 2 hours.

Step 2

Mix eggs with honey.

Step 3

Add the swollen flakes, mix.

Step 4

Add sifted flour, cinnamon and baking powder, mix.

Step 5

Add peeled and diced apples, mix.

Step 6

Add oil and mix again.

Step 7

Put the dough into molds. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20-25 minutes.

Step 8

Delicious and at the same time healthy muffins are ready. Happy tea!
