Beef, Spatula, Meat dishes, Beef dishes

Beef shoulder


Servings 1
  • tenderloin (scapular part) - 220 g
  • vegetable oil - 30 g
  • salt - 3 g
  • ground black pepper - 1 g
  • potatoes - 70 g
  • cream 33% - 40 g
  • spinach paste - 10 g
  • spinach mini - 10 g
  • Baku tomato - 80 g
  • powdered sugar - 2 g
  • onion sauce - 30 g
  • sugar - 5 g
  • onion - 12 g
  • Myrin - 2 g
  • soy sauce - 3 g


Step 1

Boil the potatoes in their skins in salted water until half cooked, then peel and cut into medium cubes. Simmer chopped potatoes over low heat in cream until tender. Then add fresh spinach and spinach paste. Bring to taste with salt and pepper.

Step 2

Clean the tenderloin from the veins, salt, pepper and put on a hot grill. Fry evenly on all sides. After that, put the meat in the oven, so that the meat "rests" after frying. Scald Baku tomato in boiling water, then dip in ice and remove the skin. Then bake the finished tomato at a temperature of 150 degrees for 20 minutes. After that, sprinkle the tomato with salt, powdered sugar and ground black pepper.

Step 3

To prepare the onion sauce, melt the sugar in a pan until brown, then add the onion and simmer until tender. Once the onion is ready, add the mirin and soy sauce.

Step 4

To make the spinach paste, scald the spinach, then run it through a blender until smooth. Rub the finished pasta through a fine sieve.

Step 5

Cut the cooked meat into three parts. Put the stewed potatoes on a plate, put onion sauce next to it, put the finished meat on top. Put a tomato next to it.
