Persimmon, Stew, Mark Statsenko, Desserts, Millefeuille, Sweet, Delicious, Funny Cabany, Light, Wild boar fans, Mousse from ryazhenka, Chef's recipe

Millefeuille with persimmon

Persimmon dessert recipe by Mark Statsenko, Chef at Funny Cabany restaurant.


Servings 1
  • Puff pastry - 15 gr
  • Ryazhenka mousse - 40 gr
  • Cream 33-35% - 20 ml
  • Persimmon - 36 gr
  • Strawberry jam - 25 gr
  • Currant ice cream - 30 gr
  • Mint - 1 g
  • Ryazhenka - 100 g
  • Boiled condensed milk - 100 gr
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 gr
  • Cane sugar - 7 gr
  • Xanthan texture - 2 gr


Step 1

To prepare the mousse, you need to mix fermented baked milk, condensed milk, ground cinnamon, blend with a blender until smooth and tighten with xanthan (texture)

Step 2

Mix ryazhenka mousse with cream, put the finished mass from a pastry bag onto baked puff pastry, previously cut into 3 pieces.

Step 3

Put the persimmon cut into rings (slices) on top.

Step 4

We put the pyramid in layers on a serving plate, and put strawberry jam on top, put a ball of ice cream in the same way, sprinkle the dessert with torn mint petals.
