Vegetables, Fish, Eggplant, Carp, Pie, Snacks

Eggplant Napoleon Cake

Yes! It turns out that "Napoleon" is not only the famous layer cake. In the eggplant season, we recommend you to cook this interesting dish.


  • a bunch of chervil
  • 5 lemon
  • 30 ml of olive oil
  • 300 g cherry tomatoes
  • salt, white pepper
  • 250 small mushrooms (mushrooms, shiitake, black mushrooms)
  • 1 kg fish fillet (swordfish, mullet or carp)
  • 3 ripe eggplants (350–400 g each)
  • bunch of dill


Step 1

Wash the eggplant, remove the tails, cut lengthwise into thin slices. Squeeze the juice from 3 lemons and mix with olive oil, salt and pepper, dip the eggplant slices into the mixture and arrange on a wire rack. Grill for 3 minutes on each side.

Step 2

Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin; wash the mushrooms, cut half the greens. Add vegetables to lemon juice and olive oil mixture. While the dish is cooking, set the sauce aside and keep at room temperature.

Step 3

Put a slice of eggplant on a cutting board, on top - a piece of fish of the same size. Salt, pepper, put on a sprig of greens and pour over lemon juice. Repeat this operation three times.

Step 4

Using a wide knife, place eggplant slices under the pyramid so as to cover the pyramid with them from the short sides. Do the same with the other two pyramids.

Step 5

Bake in a preheated oven at 180˚C for 15 minutes. Drizzle with sauce and garnish with vegetables.
