Vareniki with cherries and strawberries

Cooking time: 1 h 20 min
Servings: 4-6


Vareniki with cherries and strawberries must be prepared in the summer, when both of these berries are full of taste and incredible aroma. But even in winter, you can enjoy such dumplings using frozen berries. In this case, you do not need to defrost them.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl. Gradually pour warm water into the center of the slide, kneading the dough with a fork.

Step 2

Start kneading the dough with your hands, it should be very soft. Add some more water if necessary. Roll the dough into a ball and place in a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and leave for 40 minutes. for proofing.

Step 3

Remove the pits from the cherries, cut the strawberries into medium pieces. Put the berries in a bowl, add sugar and starch and mix.

Step 4

Roll out the dough into a thin layer. Cut out circles with a diameter of 5 cm with a glass or a mold. Put some berries in the center of the circle and pinch the edge with a pigtail.

Step 5

Boil a lot of water in a wide saucepan, salt, put dumplings and cook for 3-4 minutes. after ascent. Throw the dumplings into a colander. Arrange on plates, add sour cream and sprinkle with sugar.


350 g assorted cherries and strawberries
3 Art. l. Sahara
1.5 st. l. starch
2 heaping glasses of flour
300 ml warm water
1/2 h. l. year
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