Beef fillet with root vegetable gratin and hazelnut mousse

Cooking time: 2 h 30 min
Servings: 4

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Strip the beef tenderloin from the veins, salt and pepper. Fry in a pan on all sides for 40 seconds and put in the oven at t 180 C for 12 minutes.

Step 2

Peel potatoes and celery root, cut into thin slices. Pour oil on a baking sheet, lay a layer of potatoes, salt, pepper, put a layer of celery on top. Pour cream on top and sprinkle with grated parmesan, cover with foil, put a heavy press on top and place in the oven at t 180C for 60 minutes.

Step 3

Rinse the spinach, dry, fry whole in vegetable oil with garlic for 15-20 seconds.

Step 4

Hazelnuts put in the oven at t 180C for 10 minutes. Peel off the husk and boil in milk for about an hour until the pulp, salt a little, add sugar and beat in a blender.

Step 5

Mix demi-glace sauce (from beef bones) with teriyaki in a ratio of 1: 1, you should get a sweet-meaty taste.


400 g beef tenderloin
400 g potatoes
200 g celery root
600 ml milk
80 g cream
120 g of hazelnuts
80 g of Parmesan
160 g spinach
20 g garlic
salt, pepper to taste
20 g sugar
20 g demi-glace sauce
160 g of teriyaki
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