Cherry, Clafout, Economical hostess, Clafoutis with cherries

French clafoutis with cherries

If you ask any Frenchman what, in his opinion, is the best dessert with cherries, he will answer without hesitation that it is clafoutis. This dessert does not require special manipulations, just mix the simplest products - flour, sugar and eggs - and in an hour you will have a real summer dessert on your table.


  • 3 cups pitted cherries
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1.25 cups of milk
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • ​3 large eggs
  • 1 st. l. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 h. l. year
  • powdered sugar


Step 1

Preheat oven to 175°C. Grease a ceramic baking dish with oil.

Step 2

In a bowl, lightly beat eggs with sugar, add milk, sugar, vanilla extract, salt and flour and mix until smooth. You will have a soft dough.

Step 3

Pour the batter into a baking dish and add the cherry. Put the mold in the oven and bake the clafoutis for 45-55 minutes. The clafoutis should rise and lightly brown around the edges, and a knife stuck in the middle will come out clean.

Step 4

Remove the clafoutis from the oven and let cool slightly. Serve clafoutis warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
