Cherry compote

Cooking time: 20 min
Servings: 10-12


Perhaps everyone loves cherry compote, but few people know, and in general, think about the history of the appearance of this dish. So, it can be safely considered a purely Russian invention. A drink made from fresh or dried fruits, berries and fruits - "vzvar" ("uzvar") - was prepared in Rus' for a long time and served at the very end of the meal, for dessert. But the dish received its modern, familiar name to everyone later, around the 18th century. It came from the French language, where the word compote meant fruit puree, quickly prepared from fresh berries and fruits. Thus, the "broth" turned into a "compote" and later acquired hundreds of variations on the theme. But cherry compote stands apart from others and confidently holds the palm: it, perhaps, simply has no equal in taste, color and aroma!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Cherry compote

Wash the compote cherries and dry well, laying them out on paper towels. Then place the cherry in a saucepan, pour 1.5 liters of water, add sugar and bring to a boil.

Step 2

Cherry compote

Cook cherry compote for about 5 minutes over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Then remove the plates, add the lemon juice and stir.

Step 3

Cherry compote

Let the cherry compote cool under the lid, then pour into a jug. Let cool completely. You can further cool the drink by adding ice cubes.


500 g cherries, can be frozen
2/3 cup sugar
1 st. l. lemon juice
1.5 liters of water


Cherry Compote
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