Cream, Melon, Ham, Trick, Melon soup

Cold melon soup with ham

For this soup, you can buy 2 small melons. Cut them crosswise, take out the pulp, and use the halves as plates.


Servings 4 servings
  • melon weighing 1.5 kg
  • 200 ml cream with 10% fat
  • nutmeg
  • salt
  • 400 g ham


Step 1

1. Wash the melon, cut it in half and remove the seeds. Carefully scoop out the pulp with a spoon. 2. Grind the pulp in a blender, add cream, nutmeg and salt. Whip the soup into a fluffy foam. 3. Put the whipped mass in the refrigerator. Cut the ham into very thin strips. Pour the soup into bowls, put ham in each. BTW You can buy 2 small melons for this soup. Cut them crosswise, take out the pulp, and use the halves as plates.
