Cabbage with mushrooms and spices

Recipe cuisine: Eastern
Cooking time: 40 min
Servings: 6


Fragrant tasty and orientally colorful cabbage!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Cabbage with mushrooms and spices

Cut cabbage leaves into slices, about 2.5 cm in size. Cut mushrooms into several pieces, pepper and onion into strips or rings. Grind ginger and garlic.

Step 2

Cabbage with mushrooms and spices

Now prepare the spices: heat the cumin, coriander, black and allspice in a dry frying pan. After that, crush them in a mortar.

Step 3

Cabbage with mushrooms and spices

Fry cabbage in vegetable oil. In the same pan, fry the mushrooms, then add sweet bell pepper, fry.

Step 4

Cabbage with mushrooms and spices

Fry onion, garlic and ginger separately, add spices and cook for 1 more minute. Next, add tomatoes, then combine with cabbage and mushrooms. Cook covered for 10 minutes. Salt, pepper add to taste. Let it brew for 5 minutes and serve.


cabbage - 600 g
champignons - 500 g
tomatoes in their own juice - 400 g
Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
onion - 2 pcs.
garlic - 2 cloves
ginger root - 2 cm
cilantro or parsley - a bunch
zira and coriander seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
allspice and black peas - 1 tsp each.
vegetable oil - for frying
salt - to taste
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