Borscht in a loaf of Borodino bread

Cooking time: 1 h 30 min
Servings: 4 servings
Calories: 379 kcal

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Chop the beets into strips. Place in a frying pan with butter, add tomato paste and fry lightly. Add vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Simmer over low heat for no more than 30 minutes.

Step 2

Cut onions and carrots into strips, sauté separately in butter. Shred the cabbage and put it into the boiling broth. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, add browned onions and carrots. Bring to a boil, add the stewed beets and the sauce formed in the pan.

Step 3

Bring to a boil, add salt, pepper and one minced garlic clove to taste. Remove from fire. Wrap dill cuttings, remaining garlic and bell pepper in gauze. Dip in a saucepan and let it brew for about 20 minutes. Remove gauze with vegetables.

Step 4

Cut a loaf of bread in half and take out the crumb, sprinkle the rest with sunflower oil. Bake in the oven until crispy. In baked bread, put smoked meats, tongue and prunes cut into thin strips. Pour borscht. Decorate with fresh herbs and croutons. Separately serve pre-frozen fat sour cream.


50 g boiled tongue
50 g smoked beef
50g smoked pork neck
2.5 liters of broth boiled on duck and chicken bones
60 g fat sour cream
2 medium beets
60 g white cabbage
40 g of carrots
50 g onion
20 g prunes
50 g parsley root
0.25 sweet bell pepper
butter - 30 g
garlic - 3 cloves
dill stalks
wine vinegar - 5 g
1 st. l. sunflower oil
tomato puree
loaf of Borodino bread
a mixture of salt, sugar, pepper - to taste
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