Baked apples with sweet pistachio butter

Cooking time: 30 min
Servings: 6-8


It would seem that what could be simpler (and more boring) than baked apples? Well, you will pour them with honey ... Or stuff them with dried fruits ... We have already tried all this a thousand times! And you serve peanut butter with apples. Peanut butter (or paste) is sold in stores, but in our opinion, it is more suitable for savory dishes. But if you make pistachio butter at home ...

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Soak dried apricots in warm water for 15-20 minutes.

Step 2

For the nut butter, make a syrup of 2/3 cup sugar and bottled water: bring together to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. on low fire. Remove syrup from heat and cool completely, 30 minutes.

Step 3

Pour pistachios with cold water, bring to a boil and cool slightly. Then peel off the skin by rubbing them with your fingers so that the nut slides out of it.

Step 4

Put the peeled pistachios into a blender, pour over the cooled syrup, add salt and grind to a puree. Even if it does not work out too well, try not to add more water - a couple of tablespoons at most. Put the pistachio oil in a cool place.

Step 5

Cut the apples in half lengthwise, carefully remove the core. Rub the slice with lemon juice. Chop the dried apricots, mix with the remaining juice and lemon zest.

Step 6

Stuff the apples with dried apricots, place in a small heat-resistant baking dish, pour in 150 ml of water and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Bake until apples are soft, about 30 minutes.

Step 7

Serve apples warm or cold with cool pistachio butter.


medium handful sweet and sour dried apricots
6-8 medium green Granny Smith apples
juice and zest of 1 large lemon
2/3-3/4 cup brown sugar a pinch of salt
100 ml bottled water
2 cups shelled unsalted pistachios
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