Pies rhubarb yeast dough pastries

Yeast dough rhubarb pie

A yeast-raised rhubarb pie is a win-win option for those who love traditional hearty pastries but are also willing to consider interesting topping ideas. Our recipe just meets these needs! The dough of the pie is the most common, yeast (by the way, you can cook it the way you are used to), but the filling consists of rhubarb lightly stewed with sugar. It turns out very tasty and even elegant. Therefore, you can cook such a rhubarb pie from yeast dough both for a family tea party and for a visit by guests. You will see: they will pay tribute to your culinary skills!


Servings 6-8
  • rhubarb - 800 g
  • brown sugar - 70 g
  • butter - 30-40 g
  • milk - 200 ml
  • sugar - 25 g
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp (or 8 g fresh)
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 40 g
  • flour - 500 g
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  • yolk for lubricating the "lattice" - 1 pc.


Step 1

Prepare the pie dough. To do this, pour warm milk into a saucepan, add sugar and yeast. Stir and leave at room temperature for 20 minutes to activate.

Step 2

Add the egg and melted butter to the milk-yeast mixture. Stir. Sift the flour and salt on top through a fine sieve. Knead the dough thoroughly.

Step 3

Cover the bowl with the pie dough with a clean towel and let rise in a warm place for 50 minutes. Then punch down and cover again. Let the dough rise again (this may take about 30-40 minutes).

Step 4

Roll out the pie dough into a round cake. Transfer to a mold with a diameter of 22 cm. Form sides 3-4 cm high, cut off excess dough. Cover with a towel and leave until use.

Step 5

Prepare the pie filling. Rhubarb wash, peel and cut into slices 2-3 cm long. Melt the butter in a ladle. Add the rhubarb and heat over medium heat, stirring, for 2-3 minutes.

Step 6

Add sugar, stir and cook for 3 minutes. Let it cool down a bit and put it in the form on the dough. Roll out the remaining dough into a thin layer and cut into strips. Lay on the filling in the form of a lattice. Lubricate it with yolk. Bake the cake for 35-45 minutes at 190°C.
