Couscous with meat and vegetables

Cooking time: 2 h 30 min
Servings: 6 servings
Calories: 644 kcal


Couscous with meat and vegetables is a solid, hearty dish that can be considered a full meal (there is both the first and the second in one). It will appeal to all lovers of a tight, thorough meal.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Soak dried chickpeas overnight in a large pot of water. Drain in a colander, transfer to a bowl. Pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil. Cook covered for 1.5 hours, adding hot water as needed. Add a pinch of salt and continue to cook for another 30-45 minutes until the chickpeas are tender.

Step 2

While the chickpeas are cooking, put the beef (mutton) bones, chopped onion rings, and saffron into a large saucepan. Add salt and pepper to taste. Close the lid and put on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. Add water and bring to a boil. Cover with a lid and cook on low heat for 30 minutes.

Step 3

Add 3 cm cubed beef and cook for 1.5 hours. Add leek, cut into 5 cm pieces, pumpkin cubes, 2.5 cm pieces of carrots, celery and turnips, boiled chickpeas. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Then add the zucchini in 2.5 cm pieces and cook for another 10 minutes until the meat and vegetables are tender.

Step 4

Add cinnamon, season with salt and pepper if necessary. Put the raisins in a small saucepan, pour 1 cup of broth, cook until soft. Cover and keep warm.

Step 5

Prepare couscous. Before serving, pile the couscous on a large platter. Top with raisins and a few chickpeas. Arrange some of the meat and vegetables on a platter around the pile of couscous. Serve the remaining broth with meat and vegetables in a tureen. Arrange the couscous in small bowls, put the meat, vegetables on it and pour the broth.


250g dried chickpeas or 625g canned chickpeas without liquid
salt for chickpeas - a pinch
1-2 soup lamb or beef bones
1 onion large
0.25 tsp strands of saffron or ground turmeric
900 g beef shoulder without fat
2 stalks of leeks
4 small carrots
450 g traditional or quick-cooking couscous
3 stalks petiole celery
0.75 cup raisins
330 g pumpkin pulp
1 small turnip
1 pinch ground cinnamon
small zucchini - 2
salt, pepper - to taste
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