Chicken skewers in ginger-citrus marinade

Cooking time: 30 min
Servings: 4


The meat is juicy and flavorful!! Eating it is a pleasure! Sauce is not required. And vegetables only complement this delicious composition. The main thing is not to overdry!

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Chicken skewers in ginger-citrus marinade

Wash chicken breasts and pat dry with paper towels. To cut in cubes. For the marinade: pass the garlic through a press, grate the zest from the orange and squeeze the juice, grate the ginger (about 2 cm) on a fine grater. Add soy sauce, honey and sunflower oil to this mixture. Mix everything well and pour the chicken pieces with this marinade. Wash the mushrooms, let the water drain. Add to meat and marinate all together for at least 1 hour.

Step 2

Chicken skewers in ginger-citrus marinade

Wash the zucchini and cut into rings. String zucchini, meat and mushrooms alternately on wooden skewers.

Step 3

Chicken skewers in ginger-citrus marinade

Grill for 8 minutes on all sides.

Step 4

Chicken skewers in ginger-citrus marinade

Serve with boiled rice. Bon appetit!


chicken breasts 4 pcs.
ginger 1 pc.
orange 1 pc.
honey 1 tbsp.
soy sauce 1 tbsp
sunflower oil 1 tbsp
champignons 200 g
garlic 3 pcs.
young zucchini 2 pcs.
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