Gelatin, Trout, Oranges

Trout fillet in orange jelly


Servings 4 servings
  • 1 sprig thyme
  • 1 parsley root
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • parsley
  • 1 trout weighing about 1 kg
  • peel and juice of 0.5 oranges
  • 10 g gelatin
  • salt
  • onion - 1 onion


Step 1

Soak gelatin in cold water, let it swell, squeeze. Peel the trout, gut, wash, separate the fillet, put in a cool place. Put the head without gills, bones and fins of the fish in a saucepan. Add peeled vegetables and roots, thyme, salt and cook for 15-20 minutes. Strain the broth, pour in the squeezed juice of 0.5 orange, mix, warm. Pour 2.5–3 cups of broth, add squeezed gelatin, heat until gelatin is completely dissolved, without boiling; cool down. Cut the trout fillet into thin slices, roll into rolls. Put the trout rolls into molds, decorate with thin slices of orange. Pour in orange jelly. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. When serving, garnish with orange zest and herbs.
