Avocado, Guacamole, Sour cream recipes

Guacamole with sour cream

A spicy guacamole sauce is made from avocado, garlic and hot peppers. It is served with wheat cakes, corn chips, boiled vegetables, as well as meat and poultry. A mixture of guacamole, which includes onion, garlic, paprika, cayenne pepper, canola oil and salt, makes this sauce effortless.


  • avocado
  • onion - 1 onion
  • sour cream - 200 g
  • parsley
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 0.5 h. l. Cumin


Step 1

Peel the onion and chop coarsely. Parsley wash, dry, pick. Put onion, parsley and sour cream in a blender bowl, beat until smooth. Pour into a bowl.

Step 2

Wash the avocado, cut into 2 halves. Remove the stone, and carefully remove the pulp from the skin with a tablespoon. Save the empty avocado halves. Sprinkle the pulp with lemon juice, mash with a fork.

Step 3

Add sour cream sauce, cumin and dry seasoning. Stir and spread among the halves of the avocado.
