Strudel with sauerkraut

Cooking time: 2 h 40 min
Servings: 6-8 servings


If you think that strudel is only sweet, we advise you to plan a culinary experiment for the coming weekend. Our sauerkraut strudel is a great first introduction to a range of savory rolls: potatoes, mushrooms, fish and ham. Often such strudels serve as a hearty side dish for fried pork knuckle or grilled meat.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Strudel with sauerkraut

Prepare the ingredients.

Step 2

Strudel with sauerkraut

Finely chop the onion. Heat 2 tbsp in a pan. vegetable oil, fry the onion until golden brown. Add cabbage and simmer over moderate heat until tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Cool to room temperature.

Step 3

Strudel with sauerkraut

Fry bread crumbs in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Remove from heat and stir in finely chopped dill and parsley leaves. Stir and chill.

Step 4

Strudel with sauerkraut

Defrost unleavened puff pastry.

Step 5

Strudel with sauerkraut

Preheat the oven to 200 C. Roll out the dough into a 3 mm thick rectangle. Stepping back from the edges of the dough 2-3 cm, sprinkle the surface of the dough with bread crumbs. Lay out the cabbage filling and roll up the roll.

Step 6

Strudel with sauerkraut

Make cuts on the dough to the filling.

Step 7

Strudel with sauerkraut

Bake the strudel for 30-35 minutes until golden brown. Cool slightly and cut into slices 3.5-4 cm wide.


500 g puff pastry without yeast
450 g sauerkraut
1 bulb
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1/3 cup bread crumbs
3-5 sprigs of parsley
3-5 sprigs of dill
ground black pepper
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