Cold beetroot on kefir

Cooking time: 15 min
Servings: 6
Calories: 243.6 kcal
Fats: 7.9
Proteins: 12.1
Carbohydrates: 30.1


Cold beetroot on kefir is one of the most popular dishes in Lithuania. Among its ingredients, you will not find the usual potato: the locals prefer to serve it to the soup separately, and hot. We tried this option and, it is worth noting, it is very good! Please note: beets for cold beetroot on kefir are not boiled, but baked: this allows you to better preserve its natural taste, and the color remains more saturated. As for the greens, you can use any you like, although we would not advise refusing dill, as it is he who gives the dish a note of special spicy freshness.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Cold beetroot on kefir

Prepare the ingredients for cold beetroot on kefir. First of all, wash the beetroot thoroughly and pat dry. Lubricate each tuber with vegetable oil and wrap in foil. Bake for 1 hour at 200°C. Let cool.

Step 2

Cold beetroot on kefir

Carefully wash the beetroot potatoes with a brush and put them in a saucepan. Pour in hot water and bring to a boil. Boil for 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Hard boil the eggs and let cool.

Step 3

Cold beetroot on kefir

Pour beetroot yogurt into a large bowl in which you plan to serve the soup on the table. Add crushed ice to it and refrigerate until use.

Step 4

Cold beetroot on kefir

Peel the beetroot eggs and cut into cubes. Wash and dry fresh cucumbers. Cut into small cubes. Wash green onions and dill, dry, finely chop.

Step 5

Cold beetroot on kefir

Peel the beets and cut into cubes. Drain the water from the potatoes, peel the tubers. Get a bowl of cold kefir. Add beets, cucumbers, eggs and greens to it. Salt and pepper. Stir and serve cold beetroot along with hot potatoes.


beets - 500 g
potatoes - 500 g
eggs - 4 pcs.
kefir - 1 l
medium-sized cucumbers - 3 pcs.
green onions - 30 g
dill - 60 g
salt to taste
freshly ground black pepper to taste
crushed ice to taste
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