Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream

Recipe cuisine: Russian
Cooking time: 1 hour
Servings: 4
Calories: 160.89 kcal
Fats: 11.46
Proteins: 11.07
Carbohydrates: 3.5


Beef Stroganoff is stewed pieces of meat in sour cream sauce. The name of the dish comes from the French word bœuf (beef) and the surname of the Russian Count Stroganov. It was Stroganov's personal chef, who was from France, who invented this culinary masterpiece. To prepare classic beef stroganoff with sour cream in a frying pan, it is recommended to take meat from the fillet, rump or thin edge. Such meat does not contain tendons, which is important for obtaining the final result.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1

Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream

Cut the meat into medium-sized strips. Marinate the cut meat using salt, ground black pepper and coriander.

Step 2

Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream

Cut the onions into thin half rings and fry for 5 minutes in a preheated frying pan with sunflower oil poured into it.

Step 3

Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream

Coat the meat strips in flour and place in a frying pan.

Step 4

Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream

Fry the meat for 10 minutes, uncovered.

Step 5

Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream

Mix water with sour cream, making it a liquid consistency. Pour the mixture into the frying pan with the meat being fried. Add flour and stir.

Step 6

Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream

Salt and pepper the beef stroganoff and sprinkle with coriander again to taste. Simmer the dish for another 3 minutes over low heat. Adjust the thickness of the gravy by adding the required amount of water.

Step 7

Beef Stroganoff with Sour Cream

Remove the pan from the stove and begin preparing the dish for serving.

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