Pepper, Tomatoes, Garlic, Coriander, Georgian cuisine, White



  • 2 kg tomatoes
  • 3-4 red pepper pods or 5-10 g ground
  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • 3-5 g of ombalo
  • 7 g coriander
  • 7 g ceretzo or dill
  • 7 g ucho-suneli
  • on a sprig of dry ripe dill and cilantro with seeds
  • salt


Step 1

Rinse and blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin. Then put in a saucepan and fill with water so that the covers. Cook for 20-30 minutes, then rub the tomatoes through a sieve. Add a mixture of chopped spices to the resulting mass. Let it brew. Salt.

Step 2

Then put on a slow fire and, stirring and adding water as needed, cook the sauce for two hours to a creamy consistency.

Step 3

Cool, then pour into a sterilized container. Close the lid tightly. Store in a cool place.
