Rosolio, Chokeberry liqueur

Pouring "100 leaves"

Pouring "100 leaves"


Servings 16–18
  • 33 cherry leaves;
  • 33 black currant leaves;
  • 33 single raspberry leaves;
  • 1 glass of chokeberry berries;
  • 0.5 l of vodka (or diluted alcohol);
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid (or lemon juice to taste)


Step 1

Wash the leaves and berries, put in a large saucepan, pour 800 ml of water, close the lid and put on low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for about 30 minutes. Cool, put the leaves and berries in a colander and squeeze lightly with a tablespoon. After that, the leafy-berry mass can be thrown away, we will no longer need it. Add sugar and citric acid to the remaining wonderfully smelling ruby liquid, heat slightly so that they dissolve. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka, or 200 mg of alcohol + 300 mg of water into a non-hot broth. Actually, you can already drink it. But if you want it to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, strain the resulting liqueur. I use a funnel plugged with cotton for this. Everything! A wondrous ruby drink, pure as a crocodile's tear, splashes in your glass...
