Zucchini preparations, Pepper, Gooseberry, Currant, Zucchini, Vinegar, Pickling

Marinated zucchini with red currants and peppers with gooseberries

Pickled peppers with gooseberries and zucchini with red currants are not only a tasty and savory snack, but also a good side dish for meat dishes.


  • 1 kg zucchini or zucchini
  • 400 g redcurrant
  • 1 kg of peppers
  • 800 g gooseberries
  • 1 liter of water
  • salt
  • light fruit or wine vinegar - 50 ml
  • 100 g sugar


Step 1

Wash the jars thoroughly, pour over with boiling water and turn the neck down on dry, clean towels.

Step 2

Wash the zucchini or zucchini, cut off the ends, cut into circles 2.5–3 cm thick. Using a vegetable peeler, cut vertically narrow strips of skin from the circles at regular intervals. For this operation, you can use an ordinary small kitchen knife.

Step 3

Sort currant sprigs, remove damaged berries, wash. It is not necessary to remove the berries from the branches. Put zucchini mugs in a jar, alternating them with red currants.

Step 4

Wash peppers thoroughly. Sort the gooseberries, cut off the stalks and inflorescences, wash. Put peppers in a jar, pour gooseberries. Shake the jar a little so that the gooseberries evenly fill the voids between the peppers.

Step 5

Prepare the marinade - boil water, add salt, vinegar and sugar; bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Step 6

Pour hot marinade into jars. Close jars with lids. Allow to cool to room temperature, then store in a cool place.
