Cabbage, Radish, Parsley, Post, Kimchi, Vegetarian recipes

Kimchi from young cabbage and radish

Kimchi is a specific way of making spicy vegetable snacks. In Korea, there are many varieties of kimchi, according to some estimates more than a hundred - from carrots, Chinese cabbage, spinach, pumpkin, cucumbers, mushrooms, and even lettuce leaves.


Servings 4-6
  • 500 g young radish
  • salt
  • 30 g of green onions
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • 20 g red ground pepper
  • 500 g young cabbage
  • 1 tsp wheat flour
  • 200 g fresh parsley


Step 1

Cabbage leaves cut into small squares, radish - in the form of willow leaves of the same size as cabbage. Sprinkle cabbage and radish with salt. Take only the stems from parsley, rinse, cut into pieces 4-5 cm long and lightly sprinkle with salt. Peel and chop the garlic and onion. Mix cabbage, radish and parsley, season with pepper, garlic and onion, mix well and put in a salting dish. Prepare the brine: dilute wheat flour in water, boil, cool, add salt to taste. Pour cabbage with radish with this brine. The dish will be ready in a day.
