Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce


I decided to share with you a real treasure, as my eldest daughter called this recipe - one of my favorite "savory" baking options: a wonderful, very satisfying pie made from soft yeast dough with a balanced creamy taste (made with vegetable oil) with a spicy filling of milk sausages and sauce based on curry and mustard and chopped parsley leaves ... This recipe has a long history - it was combined by me during long experiments from several completely different ones ... And the resulting result is so liked by my family and friends, whom I sometimes make it as a gift that is eaten literally in a matter of minutes. But in general, this is a great option for a snack the next day, and not only for home, but also on a trip, at work or school. This is due to the fact that such a cake is good both fresh and aged - both cold and heated, and it is important that it is very convenient to transport, store and, of course, use it thanks to the "Neapolitan type" molding, when a single product in actually consists of individual buns placed in one mold. You do not need to cut it: it is easily divided into separate segments “manually”, while the filling remains reliably protected from the external environment inside until you decide to eat it.


Step 1

Remove the amount of vegetable oil and the egg required for the recipe from the refrigerator. Turn on the oven and heat it to number 3 (170 ° C) (so that you can put the dough on it if there is no other warm place, for example, a radiator, for it). Measure the amount of granulated sugar and flour required by the recipe in separate containers.

Step 2

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

Start preparing the dough. Pour 1 teaspoon of sugar into the milk (from the total amount for the dough), mix and put on a small fire. Heat to a warm state (40-45 ° C), then remove from heat and crumble the yeast into a saucepan with milk, shake slightly so that the yeast gets wet and leave for about 10-15 minutes in a warm place (on a heated stove or battery).

Step 3

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

In a bowl for kneading the dough, beat the egg with salt and the remaining sugar for the dough with a mixer with ordinary whisks into fluffy foam. Then pour the approached yeast with milk to the beaten egg, mix until smooth.

Step 4

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

Introduce into the mixture, sifting, about ⅓ of the entire norm (180 g) of wheat flour, mixing it until smooth with a mixer at low speed (because the mixture is liquid and may splatter), then pour in the vegetable oil, mix thoroughly.

Step 5

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

Gradually (in 2-3 doses), add, sifting, the remaining flour and carefully knead the dough with your hands so that it begins to lag behind them and the walls of the dish (do not forget to remove the rest of the dough from the beaters before this).

Step 6

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

Form a ball from the dough, put it back into the mixing bowl, cover the latter with plastic wrap and leave for about 30-40 minutes in a warm place. The dough should rise well, while its volume should approximately double or triple. At this time, remove the sausages from the refrigerator and leave at room temperature. Turn on the oven and heat it to number 3 (170 ° C), if it was not turned on beforehand. Prepare a 28 cm Ø tin by lining it with non-stick baking parchment.

Step 7

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

Make the filling. To do this, rinse the parsley with warm, then cold running water and dry it on a paper towel. Tear off the leaves from the stems and finely chop with a knife, put in a small container, add curry and mustard there, mix everything thoroughly.

Step 8

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

Rinse each sausage (optional), peel off the casing, cut in half, and then again in half lengthwise, without cutting all the way through (so that the sausage does not fall apart). Lubricate the inside of the sausage parts with the previously prepared sauce (about ½ tsp) and put them in a deep plate, leaving them at room temperature until consumed.

Step 9

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

When the dough rises, knead it with your hands in the bowl to set it down and shape it into a ball again. Divide the ball with the help of the scales into 22 equal parts, while rolling each into a small ball.

Step 10

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

Then roll each ball with a rolling pin into a circle Ø 10.5-11 cm, put the filling from ½ sausage with sauce (cut up) into it and carefully pinch it into a bag. Put the resulting bags with the stuffing with the tucks down into the mold, cover with a paper towel and put in a warm place for 30-40 minutes to rise again.

Step 11

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

Lubricate a well-risen cake with an egg, previously beaten with a hand whisk, sprinkle with sesame seeds and put in the oven. Bake until golden brown at number 3 (170°C), about 40-45 minutes. Make sure that the top of the pie does not burn too much. If necessary, after 20 minutes, turn the form in the oven on the other side (if the cake is browning unevenly).

Step 12

Yeast pie with sausages and Neapolitan curry sauce

After the time specified in paragraph 18, remove the finished cake from the oven, cover with a paper towel and cool slightly in the mold (10 minutes), and then transfer from the mold directly on the parchment to a serving plate (it is advisable to do this together). Let the cake cool to a warm state and serve. It is most convenient to separate the buns from each other with a serving spatula or a sharp knife. Enjoy your meal!


milk sausages in an artificial casing, about 10-10.5 cm long - 11 pcs.
Dijon mustard - 40 g
curry - ½ tsp. l.
fresh parsley leaves - 6 g (from about 3 branches)
eggs - 1 small (weighing up to 58 g)
white sesame - some seeds
fresh yeast - 20 g
medium fat milk (3.2%) - 250 ml
granulated sugar - 30 g
salt - 5 g
eggs - 1 medium (weighing about 65-68 g)
odorless refined sunflower oil - 50 ml
premium wheat flour - 500 g

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