Banana, Gooseberry, Gooseberry jam, Gooseberry confiture, Banana jam

Gooseberry and banana confiture

Original confiture for lovers of gelled jam.


  • 500 g gooseberries
  • 2 sprigs of fresh mint
  • 2 large bananas
  • 750 g sugar
  • 0.5 cups dissolved gelatin
  • 4 tbsp. l. mint liqueur


Step 1

Peel and crush gooseberries. Add mint leaves, sugar and gelatin to the berries, cover and leave to infuse overnight.

Step 2

Cut bananas into thin circles and mix with gooseberries, put for another hour, then boil for 4 minutes. Add mint liqueur. Distribute to banks. Seal, turn over and put on the lids for 15 minutes.
