Fruit, Pear, Grape, Peaches, Blanks, Compote, Plum, Sugar, Peach recipes, Summer blanks, Pieces of peach, Peaches for the winter, Peach compote

Assorted fruit compotes

Canned fruit platter can be made from any variety of fruits. But in order for it to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, try to pick fruits of different sizes and colors. By the way, such fruits and berries fit into jars more compactly.


  • 3 peaches
  • 300 g grapes
  • 3 cups of lemon
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 pears
  • 10 basin
  • 1.2 liters of drinking water (for one 3-liter jar)


Step 1

Wash fruits. Cut pears and peaches in half, remove pits. Divide the grapes into small bunches. Put the fruit in a sterilized jar, adding mugs of lemon to it.

Step 2

Make syrup from water and sugar. Pour boiling syrup over fruits. Sterilize the jar for 40 minutes and then close the lid.
